Today was the "Power 9" Tournament in Karlsruhe and naturally, I had to go. Seeing how there are still like no T1 players in my country, I hitched a ride from Nigel, who's a professional trader. I have been playing Vengeur Masqué for a while now and I felt it had a good chance in the meta, especially since Christoph Duncker had won Iserlohn with it and I also heard it performed well in Moers. Last Dülmen I went 4-3 with it and in Wittlich I just missed the top 8 with 5-2 (no reports because no notes). Plus I love the deck, so... // Lands 4 Tropical Island 1 Wooded Foothills 2 Forest 4 Savannah 4 Windswept Heath // Creatures 3 Meddling Mage 4 Phyrexian Dreadnought 3 Birds of Paradise 4 Volrath's Shapeshifter 1 Squee, Goblin Nabob 1 Phage the Untouchable 2 Quirion Ranger 1 Akroma, Angel of Wrath 1 Uktabi Orangutan // Spells 2 Swords to Plowshares 1 Mox Pearl 4 Force of Will 4 Brainstorm 1 Time Walk 4 Illusionary Mask 4 Survival of the Fittest 1 Ancestral Recall 1 Black Lotus 1 Mox Emerald 1 Mox Sapphire 1 Enlightened Tutor // Sideboard SB: 3 Gilded Drake SB: 3 Ground Seal SB: 1 Kami of Ancient Law SB: 2 Oxidize SB: 1 Viridian Shaman SB: 3 Rule of Law SB: 2 Sacred Ground I chose to go with 3 Meddling Mages main, which, in retrospect, may not have been the best choice. Anyways, the trip was rather uneventful, except for Nigels GPS insisting on telling us to "keep left" whenever we came up on motorway exits. The venue was rather strange though. Granted, it has two very nice rooms to play in and ample parking but on the downside, it's located in the middle of an industrial estate so there was no chance of nipping out between rounds to grab some food. Plus you had to go down two sets of stairs to the main door if you wanted to smoke (bummer). People eventually ignored that particular rule and smoked near a window in the staircase. As I go to register my deck, I meet up with a few familiar faces from Dülmen and Wittlich and convince Aurel to play his signature Belcher instead of Drain-Slaver. Good choice as it gets him into the T8. I then realize that I'm lacking the two Sacred Grounds for the sideboard, but no worries, Nigel's here, right? Wrong, he has tons of power, LoAs and whatnot but not a single Sacred Ground. After some scrambling, I eventually end up buying them for $5 a piece (German 8th no less). The tournament finally begins an hour late with a very disappointing turnout of about 50 players, which also means that only a lotus and a mox will be given out as prizes (with smaller prizes too of course). Ah well. Round 1 vs Michael Held playin Oath We all want sub-par decks in the first round, right? After this round, I wasn't so sure anymore. Game 1: I get Teh BoRkEnZ (ok, not really) start with land, bird, followed by land, mask, nought. So far so good, he takes 12 to the face but has swords next turn and plays Rootwater Thief. Yes, in an Oath deck... which kinda explains why Oath was the last thing I was expecting. Regardless, I resolve SotF and play a face-down bird. Annoyingly, he has Seal of Cleansing for the survival. Even annoyinglyER, he plays Armadillo Cloak (I kid you not!) on the Thief and proceeds to knock me down from 32 to 11 with it while I draw NOTHING of consequence (him removing those things didn't help either). At some point, an Akroma or something kills me. Needless to say that this took quite a while Game 2: I board in Gilded Drakes (well duh!). I try to win quickly again with a Shapeshifter/Phage but he has swords again. No worries, I can live with that. He proceeds to oath up... Questing Pheldagriff!! The mind well and truly boggles. A turn later, he oaths up a more understandable Akroma. But fear not, for I'm prepared. Two back-to-back Gilded Drakes grab his dudes and it should be smooth sailing, right? I mean, come on, I grabbed the Hippo "just because I could" (TM) and to avoid some possible obscure combo, that's gotta be game. Michael is on 7 and looks slightly distraught, casts enlightened tutor and grabs... Ensnaring Bridge. I'll let that sink in, k? Who in their right mind would play that card in Oath? He did and it royally screwed me since I'd cleverly boarded out the darned sex-monkey. The game is thus well and truly stalled and we move into extra turns. At the last possible moment, I manage to play a face-down puff-daddy who delivers the remaining damage. Not that Michael didn't try his best, he went so far as to Arcane Denial his own mox to draw more cards and almost killed himself when oathing with no blessings left in the library. So a draw it is. Brilliant game, tons of fun, but of course by far not enough for my ambitions. 0-0-1 Round 2 vs Tobias Egelhof playing TPS Game 1: I keep an ok hand and open with Tropical and Lotus. He has Emerald, Sapphire, Petal, Sol Ring, brainstorm and Polluted Delta. Mmmh... Next turn, he tries Tinker, I force, he forces, he has Batman. And despite both brainstorm and ancestral recall plus a Dreadnought in hand, I find no solution. Sheesh! Game 2: I correctly board in Rule of Law but then proceed to draw a hand with Mask, Nought, Survival, Shapeshifter, Bird and two lands. I keep instead of taking a mulligan to find Rule of Law or Force. Turn 1 I have the customary land, bird, go while he doesn't have much. Turn 2, I topdeck Lotus and proceed to play like an idiot (I'm good at that!). The correct play is of course Survival followed by Shapeshifter, setting up a turn 3 win (barring wasteland or something like that from him, which is VERY unlikely). Instead, for some toally obscure reason, I think that I need to play the mask to bait counters. Duh!. Mask resolves and I play the nought too. He still doesn't do much on turn 2, so on turn 3, I knock him down to 7 and follow up with another play error. Instead of popping the lotus to play the survival, I pay for it with my land which means I can't play the survivaled Meddling Mage anymore. Not that it would have mattered since he goes off in such a way that would have allowed him to bounce the mage. 0-1-1, brilliant! Round 3 vs Robert Hauschild playing B/r Pox Down on table lots with the scrubs. Game 1: He opens with The Rack, followed on turn 2 by a Hymn to Tourach. This fails to impress me as I have land, bird, SotF and Shapeshifter in the meantime. He resolves a Pox but it's not enough as the Shapeshifter turns into Phage to swing for the win. Game 2: Nothing to board really, so on we go. He opens with Ritual, duress (grabbing FoW IIRC) and not one but TWO Phyrexian Furnaces. Oops. Didn't help that he followed up with yet another one of the darned things. Fortunately, his Blood Moon on the next turn is far less annoying since I have birds and moxen. Regardless, the game is stalled with me unable to draw a creature to activate my survival. When I finally get one after he managed to waste a Yawgmoths Win (doing all sorts of stuff that didn't help him in the slightest), I promptly grab a sex-monkey for his one remaining furnace and slap myself really hard when I realize I should have taken a nought instead. C'est la vie and the monkey beats him down until I draw another creature. 1-1-1 Round 4 vs Tobias Schein playing Stax. Game 1: I win the coin toss and Tobias proceeds to make all the correct plays... one turn too late for them to matter. I have land, birds, he has shop/sphere. I have mask, he has chalice for 2. I have nought, he has tangle wire. Long story short, I eventually tap 3 things, leaving me with a Shapeshifter and two mana. Guess what, Phage in hand. PWNED! Game 2: Tobias opens strongly with a chalice for 2 but it meets my boarded Oxidize while I also play a mask. He has Thirst for Knowledge (which I let resolve) and tries for a Joblin. My will is stronger than joblins though. A shapeshifted Phage comes in just one turn too late since his deck barfed up Platinum Angel. This stalls the game for a bit and he manages to get rid of Phage when he's on 6 but I survival up a sex-monkey to kill the Angel. He hardcasts a Colossus with me on 10. No worries though as the Shapeshifter decided he'd like to be Akroma for a change and swings for the win. 2-1-1 Round 5 vs Karl-Heinz Rhode playing Keeper Game 1: I have a most excellent hand (party on dudes!) with survival on turn 1 and mask on turn 2. There's absolutely no way he can stop that, especially when he has a rather slow start. Unless of course I don't draw a creature for like 4 turns. But what's the likelyhood of that? Well, apparently, very high. By the time I DO draw a man, I'm left with no board. Game 2: I play the most excellent Sacred Ground to stop his mana-denial shenanigans on turn 1 but he has a rather flipping play himself: Scepter with and imprinted Mana Drain. That doesn't bode well at all since I'll be hard pressed to resolve anything once he untaps with it. But... Captain BiZrOkEnZoRz to the rescue! I topdeck crazy mana, find walk, survival and mask in a brainstorm, proceed to play the whole thing, play a shapeshifter through the mask and kill him. Mana Drain don't do nothing to my mask, mate! Game 3: He plays mana and not much else while I have tons of mana, mask, survival, shapeshifter, FoW and BoP in hand after a Brainstorm. Guess what I put back? Yup, a land the shapeshifter of course. This leads to him having double drain to counter both my threats and me NOT having the darned card to pitch to FoW. The game is stalled after I force his crucible and the extra turns are kind to me as they hand me a draw from a rather crappy board position. 2-1-2 No top 8 for either of us. Round 6 vs some dude with Scepter/Chant variant. Game 1: I make lots of small dudes, he makes a scepter with Fire/Ice. Eek! IIRC, surivaled sex-monkey deals with it but after he drops a second scepter, this time with Orims Chant, I'm well and truly screwed. I'm desperately thinking about options and to add insult to injury, he at suddenly points at a card that's next to my library saying "Oh, what's that card?", picks it up and, lo and behold, it's my Ancestral Recall. He calls a judge claiming I had an illegal deck. Now I'm all for following rules and whatnot, but I'm fairly sure HE shuffled the deck after I surivaled so how do you think the card ended up there, mhh? The judge doesn't really care though (like I'd remove an ancestral from my library on purpose) and says to shuffle it back in. Trying to put aside this distraction, and with a bit of rancor for such rules-lawyering, I attempt to salvage the game with a Meddling Mage set to Chant but he manages to remove it next turn and I concede. Game 2: I board in artifact hate and Sacred Ground and open with land/BoP. He makes a Tundra and casts swords on the bird. I'm now stuck with the option of forcing the swords or keeping it for a greater threat. The bird goes farming (how does it do that though? Doesn't it just eat the seeds? Mmmh...). Anyways, my deck decides to hate me for imposing such a nasty fate on a poor, innocent bird and refuses to cough up mana or artifact hate so I'm forced to force his scepter only to be met with his force. Blech, Scepter with imprinted Drain. I'm still short on mana and he has wasteland so my only salvation is Sacred Ground. This keeps me in the game despite a second drain-scepter on his side as I manage to power through a mask (baiting with survival and forcing the second drain). So far, he hasn't brought on any draw so we're both topdecking and if I can find a dreadnought or two, I can still win this. Except I don't. In retrospect, perhaps baiting with mask would have been better but it's hard to say, could have taken me ages to find a creature and surival up enough threats to overwhelm his counters whereas a topdecked nought would have won.As it were, he kills me with Batman. 2-2-2 Again, I've got very little to show for my effort (except for a hopefully entertaining report). Props: - Nigel for the lift and a signed mint Beta Ancestral (traded in yours Glen) - the dude making cooking the food on location for his excellent spaghetti - Generally very friendly players - Aurel and others for making play errors more monumental than mine (conceding in the top8 because he thought Pyrostatic Pillar would trigger off tendrils and kill him) Slops: - A lot of people for not turning up - the organizers for their nut-crazy system for buying food and drinks