11 people enter so 4 rounds with top 4 and $100 prize. Round 1 Jank 4 color survival Game 1 I duress a survival and he doesn't topdeck good. I Yawgwill a fat yard and make Angels for the win. sideboard -2 Misdirection -2 Mystic Remora +3 Flame tongue Kavu +1 Aura Fracture Game 2 I get a Fracture in play swords a swarm and FtK some mana buddies and take them to the win. 2-0 Round 2 Richard (shockwave) with his Landstill Game 1 He gets an active Library for 6-7 turns and I get a Remora and duress a few times early to take some goodies and am holding an ancestral then topdeck a DT and get duress and then cast Ancestral and get Will MisD and land. His turn he topdecks standstill then I get a jet to break his standstill and cast Will and MisD his fresh Force of will and he concedes. sideboard -Wish -Mind Twist -swords +3 Red Elemental Blast Game 2 I get a Remora down early and duress taking standstills and he gets a chalice for 0 and 2 in play and Remora has given me enough cards by now so off it goes. I wish for Rack and Ruin and deal with both Chalices and make tokens to ride to the victory. 4-0 Round 3 Ray (Razor) We ID since we play each other enough in a week already to know we are 50-50 and we go for coffee and snacks and go to the bank to see if his cheque for a set of duals is good. 5-1-1 Round 4 Wayne with janky bazaar workshop affinity deck with sideboard mask naught (I think the board is stronger than the main deck). Game 1 features me drawing cards like a mad man off remora and swordsing welders and wishing for Rack and Ruin to wreck his board then tokens come out. Sideboard -2 Misdirections -3 Duress -1 Cunning wish +3 Rack and Ruin +3 Flametongue Kavu Game 2 He goes broken with naughts first turn. Game 3 I get a remora out and draw a pile and sword some stuff and rack and ruin a bunch more then time is called and there is no win condition in sight. 6-2-2 Top 4 Richard (shockwave) Landstill Game 1 I think this one he ancestrals first turn and goes unanswered and I duress and get a remora into play and he ices twice to feed me cards and he gets a standstill in play and the counter war filled my hand with remora in play. Then I decree tokens into play and he feeds me 3 cards to fire 2 of them away. and the tokens eventually do him in. Sideboard -Wish -Mind Twist -swords +3 Red Elemental Blast Game 2 Not too much happened here I flat out stomp him here Top 2 Wayne again with jank.dec Game 1 Remora draws me mad cards and I send 3 welder out of the game and the other to the yard and wish for Rack and ruin some good stuff. Sideboard -2 Misdirections -3 Duress -1 Cunning wish +3 Rack and Ruin +3 Flametongue Kavu Game 2 First turn Triskelion and I get first turn Library of Alexandria and draw a pile and sword his triskelion and am at 6 then I FTK 2 welders and Rack and Ruin 2 artifacts which makes his lands disappear. Mystic Keeper ------------- The good color 4 Force of Will 2 Misdirection 4 Mana Drain 3 Brainstorm 3 Cunning Wish 3 Mystic Remora 1 Merchant Scroll 1 Ancestral Recall 1 Time Walk 1 Fact or Fiction Black 3 Duress 1 Demonic tutor 1 Mind Twist 1 Yawgmoth's Will White 3 Swords to plowshare 2 Decree of Justice Red 0----- Mana Sources 1 Black Lotus 1 Sol Ring 1 Mox Pearl 1 Mox Sapphire 1 Mox Jet 1 Mox Ruby 1 Library of Alexandria 1 Strip Mine 2 Island 2 Polluted Delta 3 Wasteland 3 Tundra 3 Underground Sea 3 Volcanic Island 3 Flooded Strand Sideboard 3 Rack and Ruin 3 Flametongue Kavu 3 Red Elemental Blast 1 Misdirection 1 Disenchant 1 Coffin Purge 1 Blue Elemental Blast 1 Swords to plowshare 1 Aura Fracture