
Waterbury, CT: 16/62

//creatures: 13
4xMystic Snake
3xRiver Boa
2xFlametongue Kavu

//control: 12
4xForce of Will
4xMana Drain

//utility: 4
2xFire Ice
1xTime Walk

//card draw: 7
1xlAncestral Recall
1xFact or Fiction
1xMerchant Scroll
2xFuture Sight
2xSylvan Library

//mana: 23 
1xLibrary of Alexandria
1xStrip Mine
1xBlack Lotus
1xMox Sapphire
1xMox Emerald
1xMox Ruby
1xSol Ring
3xFlooded Strand
2xPolluted Delta

Round 1: Gobbo/Ankh Sligh
Game 1: I win the die roll. I draw. Trop -> Sapphire -> Lotus -> that's right...
Future Sight.
Game 2: First turn Chill! I guess I'm running BlueEnchantmentsYouHateToSee.dec I
get Kegs. I wreck goblins. This does end up pretty close though but he never
sees a Cursed Scroll the whole game.

Round 2: Keeper
Game 1: I misplay pretty badly and should have kept my MisD active when he
Vindicates and Ancestrals.
Game 2: Sweet! Fetch, Emerald, Lotus, Ophidian, REB in hand. I turn 1 Phid with
REB backup. He just lets it resolve. Then he turn 1 The Abysses. That's not
blue. That's ok because I top deck Sylvan! He plays his maindeck Disenchant on
it. Also not blue. I don't get my 3rd land until 20 turns later and die.

Round 3: UwrPhiddian (swords and balance)
This guy is feeling pretty happy about just wrecking WicketSnatcher and climbing
out of the 0-X bracket. WicketSnatcher is feeling pretty happy about 0-2-Nap.
Game 1: We get into some great counter wars. I get Library. He does too but that
is what Wasteland is for. He swings with his Phid into my Phid. I say "Smells
like Fire/Ice to me." I block to draw it out and let him hit it. Drop another
Phid next turn. Swing after that with my own Fire/Ice in hand. He lets it
through for me to draw FtK.
Game 2: I sideboard knowing that he's playing Phelon+Tundra.dec I get an early
River Boa and after a few swings and no Phids in sight he attempts to Control
Magic it. He's got ~2 cards left and I've got 4 - one of which being a
Naturalize that I was saving for Future Sight, another being Drain. Having
nothing to drain into I decide to let him take it and Naturalize at EoT. He
shows me his REB. Later I MisD his Ancestral into my Sylvan which shows me my
Ancestral. Game.

Pizza has arrived. I throw my deck back into the box and grab some 'za. Sit down
with kl0wn and Todd where they are both going over the absurdity that was their
last game where kl0wn beat him up with utility creatures - 2 Rangers and
Genesis. I see the joke right away and point at Todd: "You got tooled!"

Round 4: ? - S0F3N
Game 1: I get crap and mull. I see sideboard cards. S0F3N lets me de-side and
mull again. I get no land but active FoW and MisD. Worse things have happened.
Maybe I'll MisD an Ancestral. Let's go. I'm soon up to 8 cards and no land in
sight so I think to myself "what can I discard to make his sideboarding the
worst?" I chuck River Boa into the yard and he says "Zoo?" Then he plays Spike
Weaver and I scoop. So he's playing oath and I'm playing NotZoo. We sideboard
and hes all like "zoo!! I couldn't have asked for an easier matchup!"
Game 2: First turn I Flooded Strand go. When I Island go the next turn he just
stares slackjawed at UU on the table. He can't figure it out. I counter his Oath
but didn't anticipate another right away. He ends up pulling it out in the late

Round 5: GroMask (Ug)
Game 1: This game goes on FOREVER. > 35 minutes. He manages to resolve a mask
but finds no Naught for a very long time. I'm constantly sweating it out. He
finally plays an upside down "Llanowar Elf" and passes. I have both Ftks some
Phids, a Boa, and a Mystic in play. He swings with his 12/12 "elf" and I trade 4
for 1 and take 4 damage. I've got Sylvan, Future Sight, Library and Phids out.
I'm digging like CRAZY. I fetch out my last land and Prey that I find my
capsize. I don't. He finds another Naught. I dig down to 7 cards and find
Merchant Scroll to get Capsize and Capsize-Buyback with Boa Beatdown for the
win. A very close game.
Game 2: Early Sylvan and Future Sight. I've got kegs and Naturalize. We go time
pretty quickly and I just want it overwith.

Round 6: MaskNaught - Todd from CT
Todd got pooped on earlier by kl0wn's Genesis and Rangers. His whole day was
like that. This was no different.
Game 1: Early phid. I counter a mask. It's over pretty quick.
Game 2: He's joking about how bad he's doing when I waste one of his lands and
pass. He gets nothing from his deck and has an Emerald and a basic in play. He
says "Strip Mine?" and Team PokerFace around me laughs their ass off as I draw
it. He says he'll scoop if I can get him to no permanents which I can't but
FtK'ing my Boa ends it.

IAmFishMan - always an awesome tourny.
Rick from RI for getting us up on time.
KerzKid for crash space.

Myself - Not DeSideboarding.

All told I came in tide for 5th at RI and 16th at CT. Not bad for a deck on its
first weekend out. I really enjoyed playing it and will prolly keep working on
it for some time to come.